
Monday, July 23, 2007

Mingus goes Zepplelin on yo' ass

Ahhhhhhhhhhh, ah!

I come from the land of the ice and snow,
from the midnight sun where the hot springs blow!

Now, let's take it down a notch.

Groovin'... on a Sunday afternoon.


  1. oh mingus you are such a rocker

    I love the pics you get of your animals.. they are so unique and interesting!

  2. MINGUS!!!
    i love you...
    i love the cute look on your face when you yawn.
    i love the blank look on your face when you are just sitting there...
    these pictures are giving me ideas on how to dress up Fanny!
    muahahaha! :o)

  3. I <3 your dogs. So very, very much.

    I want a puppy :(
