
Sunday, August 12, 2007

Ahhhh, summer

It's a rare sunny day, so we're all taking advantage of it. I walked to the farmers' market and picked up some peppers and tomatoes. I wish I was a better dyer - these colors would make awesome sock yarn!

The tomatoes are going to be sliced and enjoyed with some homemade aioli and the peppers will be blistered on the grill. I love the fruits of summer. I also scored some white nectarines, which will be divine when grilled with a dab of chevre, that is, if they last until tonight for dessert...

Inspector Mingus had to check out the fruits, too. He deemed them unworthy of even a lick.

Since there wasn't any food for him to chow down, he resumed his regularly scheduled nap.

He likes this spot because he is the benefactor of an occasional pet as we pass by. Always thinking, that dog.


  1. I hope one day, that Celeste will voluntarily take a nap, too. Mingus looks so laid back. The tomatoes and peppers look wonderful! One of the best things about Peru is the steady stream of fruits and vegetables. And my market is closeby, too. Celeste is very adventurous about trying different foods - EVERYTHING merits at least a taste, lol.

  2. I love summer fruits and veggies (esp since there isn't anything local and fresh in the winter here :(

    I got tomatos from the CAS this week and made a really good gazpacho.. the rest of the veggies were mostly from the local grocery store instead of the farm :( but it was good still

    I sort mixed your and SP advice about the lemon basil with the extra veggies from the farm - I mixed it with yellow cherry tomatoes, zuccini, swiss chard, garlic, EVOO, balsamic, parm, pine nuts and put it on hot pasta - I have enough for at least one more meal yummmmm

    I wish I was there to give Mingus some good belly rubs!

  3. That Mingus seems like a sweetie. I wish our garden had produced that much! It's been a low volume year, with the bee shortage in the States.

  4. Those WOULD make great sock colors!
