
Friday, August 31, 2007

Spinning Progress Report

Even though there have been plenty of moments where I felt like my learning curve was spinning in place (sorry, I couldn't help it!), I can finally see some progress.

Attempt 1

Attempt 2

Attempt 3

All together now!

I've been trying to spin for a couple of hours each day. The hardest part is getting the yarn thickness uniform, but it's sloooooowly becoming easier.

I have enough yarn now for another felted purse, so into the dye pot these go! My MIL painted this lovely picture of my favorite do-hogs, so I want to give this purse to her when I'm done.


  1. NICE Yarn!!! :o)
    you can really see how the uniformity of the yarn thickness is improving! and what colors are you going to dye the yarn for the next felted bag?
    i see variegated purples? or are you goign to mix in some black cherry or regulary cherry? :o)
    can't wait to see it!
    and omg. that picture of mingus next to his mangled toy-- love it!
    hope to see you monday! have a good weekend. :o)ek.

  2. I can see a lot of progress in your spinning!

    I love the painting of your dogs. It's wonderful. I hope you have it hanging on your wall.

  3. What a great picture! And the progress is definitely apparent!

    Great job!
