
Monday, August 27, 2007

What's that smell?

No, it isn't Mingus, Vespa, Fifty-Fifty, or Greaseball. It's the smell of burning stash!

Although I can hardily call one sock a FO, this came off my needles. I failed miserably at the picot bind off, so I ended up doing a double crochet bind off instead. Much better. It's still a weird sock, though - I used the toe-up heel instructions from More Sensational Knitted Socks, and it puts the heel flap at the bottom of the sock instead of at, well, the heel! The next sock is going to be knit with the Widdershins heel so the flap is in the right place.

Since I sort of got one project complete, I decided to tackle some of my single balls of yarn, partially inspired by the last episode of Stash and Burn.

This scarf is going to be mailed off as soon as it is complete. It's Di.Ve yarn that I bought at Article Pract. This is my second time knitting with the stuff, so now I know to keep it in a container since this seems to be Mingus' all time favorite yarn to munch on. Getting the knots out of this yarn is about as fun as poking my eyes out with needles.

This is my favorite WIP right now. It is going to be Sophie, a felted bag. I am using wonderful, Kool-Aid dyed yarn that I traded with Kim-Chi for some of my roasted coffee. I just love the colors and I cannot wait until this is felted!

Now that I am back from vacation, I have my spinning wheel to play with once again, but I hope to finish these WIPs off soon. Although I know it is unrealistic to have no stash, at least for me, I told myself that all my extra yarn would fit into one container I bought just for that purpose. Let's just say that I am jamming yarn into that container...


  1. Oh, that scarf is LOVELY!

    We need to get together soon. :)

  2. great looking WIPs! and yes the heel on the bottom of the foot is WIERD

    felting is really fun - my mom uses the bag I made and felted for her everyday..

    if you don't want to make knit handles (the pattern I made called for yards of icord - YUCK!) you can take the bag to a cobbler and they can put on leather handles..

    the pic of mingus is great!

  3. that is so cool re:taking bag to cobbler to get leather handles put on. if you do that, lemme know where you end up going for that.
