
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Viva Mexico!

Mexico, how I love thee!

This year's Mexico trip to us to Mexico City, Troncones, and Ixtapa. Usually, this annual trip is a beachy one that takes us away from the fog, but this year, we began by spending three glorious days in Mexico City.

Mexico City reminds me of Paris. It has culture, good food, and beeee-yoo-tiful architecture that makes my heart flutter and my camera shutter. I wish we had more than 3 days there, although I don't know if my lungs could have handled it for it is hard to get used to the smog and the elevation.

Proof that this is one of the loveliest cites around:

City Hall, all lit up and purty

Glass tile at Hotel Isabel

Snippets of Diego Rivera's murals in the National Palace Look! the ladies in the first pictures are spinning!

Buildings, buildings, and more buildings (yes, I'm being lazy)

Tacos al pastor at El Tizoncito, the restaurant that claims to have invented tacos al pastor. This was the last stop on our self guided taco crawl. I must admit that these tacos were the winners on our taco crawl! Ahem, we had lunch 5 times that day.

After Mexico city, we hopped over to Troncones, a lovely beach town with waves perfect for surfing and frolicking. Our B&B had two resident greeters: Alpha the cat (yes, the pushy critter is on our bed!) and Max the dog. They both made me feel right at home.

This was how the bed looked before Alpha messed it up. Can you believe that they spelled out "Welcome" in flower petals? I almost didn't want to sleep in this bed because it picture perfect.

Ixtapa was our next, and final, destination. The best part was the posole verde!

Can I go back now?


  1. that bed is so cute, I think I would be glad for the cat to muss it. I would be so amused by it, that I may not have been able to do it.

    Your trip looks lovely, the glass tiles are really pretty and the food. Oh the food.

  2. had me at 'taco crawl!'

    How much weight would I have to lose to fit in a carry-on bag next year?

    Your pictures are beeeeeeautiful! I'm glad you guys had a great time!

  3. glad to see you guys had a good time! and welcome back! ugh, i'm sure the rain makes you want to go back to Mexico all the more!
    anyway, hope to see you tonight and if not, see you at Michelle's next weekend? :o)ek.
    p.s. that is one pushy kitty!

  4. Wow! Looks like so much fun (and tasty, too)!

  5. what a tasty and beautiful vacation. we are jealous. mom only takes us to the woods.

  6. It sounds great! I'm ready to try tacos al pastor y posole verde! We don't have those things here in Lima. How I would love a real taco! The architecture is beautiful.
