
Thursday, March 27, 2008

The quickest scarf in the world

This, my friends, is the quickest scarf in the world. It's a drop stitch scarf made from one skein of recycled sari silk.

This scarf could be yours! All you need to do is to donate $50 or more to Cintyu's team for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. She will be raffling off this scarf and either a hat or a scarf (winner's choice). Help kick breast cancer's ass! If you'd like to contribute a knitted/crocheted item, please email me or leave me a comment and I will be sure to give you the necessary information. Thanks in advance!

Mingus, ham that he is, can never resist a photo op. Since I was setting the timer on my camera, then running to pose, he thought this was a very good game for a malamute and he decided that he would hop along beside me as I ran. He's actually at my feet in the first photo.

Baaaaaahhhhh! What's that noise? Why, it's my very own flock of sheep!

Now that Easter notions are 75% off, I couldn't resist buying a flock of sheep. For those of you I see in person, expect a little sheepy goodness coming your way. These eggs are perfect for small items, like stitch markers, that would otherwise be swallowed whole by my knitting project bag. Don't ask how many I bought. It's embarrassing. Even more embarrassing is that I want to go back to buy more. They are so cute!

And what's this? Why, it's Greaseball and Fifty's personal supply of mice. Since they are the most stylish of cats, they have to store their mice in Ikea containers.


  1. Beautiful colors in the scarf! I love drop stitch patterns.

    And the chic!

  2. That Mingus...i can see the "please let's play come on let's play" look in his eyes! :o)
    thanks again for the sheepie!
    and i LURVE that pic of the army...
    so clever...and that compulsion to get more? who can resist the chorus of "baaaaaa"! :o)ek.
