
Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Secret Love Child Returns

What do you get when you cross this dog with this dog?

Why, Secret Love Child Scarlett, of course!

SLCS spent her afternoon and evening trying to convince Papa Mingus to frolic with her. She turned on her puppy charm and told Mingus how much fun they could have if he would only return her play bow.

When her siren song fell on deaf ears, she had to resort to a more direct approach to convince him that he wanted nothing more than to chase her around the yard.

Still, Mingus did not take the bait. An even more direct approach was needed. His tail must be pulled. Now, that he noticed! Success!

The "pull my tail" trick got Mingus riled up, and many laps around the backyard followed. They even took some time to dance.

Mama Vespa patiently watched the whole thing take place, as evidenced by the bits of her in every picture.

Once Mingus grew tired of the chase game (it must be noted that Scarlett never tires of the chase game), all three dogs spent some quality time together watching squirrels. Mama Vespa usually doesn't condone squirrel watching because she thinks it will rot a puppy's brain, so this was a special moment indeed.

Meanwhile, in the house, Fifty-Fifty was feeling a bit... French.

Thankfully, she had an emergency beret handy for such an occasion.

Prolonged exposure to the beret does cause grumpiness and a craving for a stiff drink, so I had to pry it off of her head before it was too late.

I was too late.

In between designing new ways to furmiliate my cats, I have managed to knit a pair of socks. I call these my Chocolate Cherry Jaywalkers.

Pattern: Jaywalker by Grumperina
Needle: US size 1
Yarn: Koigu Painter's Palette Premium Merino, Colorway P621
Size: Small. 68 stitches for the foot and 76 stitches for the cuff.
Modifications: Plenty! Besides knitting these toe up, the biggest modification I made was to add an extra stitch to the zig zag after I turned the heel. This resulted in 8 more stitches on the cuff in comparison to the foot of the sock. The reason I had to do this was because the first time I knit this sock I couldn't get it over my ankle. I put more details on my Ravelry project page.


  1. My, Scarlett did have to work pretty hard to get Mingus to play... and Fifty-Fifty looks stellar in the beret. I really like your Jaywalkers. I haven't made the pattern yet (but plan to), and I'm sure I will have to add stitches to get them over my heel.

  2. love all the pics!! esp 50-50 being french and grumpy!

    I love your jaywalkers! that is a fantastic colorway!

  3. Puahahahahahaha! This is one of the funniest posts I've ever read! Love the pups and I just love the beret! Especially the picture of you being too late. Priceless.

  4. Scarlette is one stunning dog. We love her play tactics too and we are taking copious notes on her technique. The socks & beret rock!

  5. C'est la vie! Scarlet looks wonderful, almost wolfish. And Fifty-fifty so dashing in her emergency beret...hide the cigarettes and wine! Ciaou baby!

  6. boy stacy, you are just too hilariously talented! you should be writing children's books or something. so funny!! great photos, too, as always.

  7. I have just found your blog per Trina (ladypatsfan) and i am cracking up already! I can't wait to have a bit of time to sit and read more!

  8. I need to tell Sadie about the 'pull my tail' trick. Sadie really, really wants to play with Kishka, but Kish is just not interested.

    I just love all your animals pics. They make me laugh out loud.
