
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

International Cat Hat: United Kingdom

The Tilden Park Scarf is an easy ruffled and ruched infinity scarf that adds a feminine touch to any outfit.

Cheerio! Since Greaseball is in charge of guarding the Queen at Buckingham Palace, nothing I could do would make him crack a smile, not even the promise of catnip sticky pudding.

Don't forget to check out my other free patterns listed on the sidebar!

• 45 yards of Jo-Ann Sensations Whisper in black

Note: worsted weight black yarn doubled with black eyelash yarn may be used instead, but you will need to cast on more stitches since the yarn will not be as stretchy.
• 1 US size 7 16 inch circular needles OR needle size needed to achieve gauge.
1 US size 7 circular needles, any length, OR needle size needed to achieve gauge
(US size 7 DPNs may also be used instead of 2 circular needles)
• 4 stitch marker
• Row counter
• Tapestry needle

Special Skills Needed
• Knitting in the round using two circular needles

• 4.5 stitches = 1 inch on US size 7 needles in stockinette stitch

Finished Measurements
Finished hat circumference is 10 inches

[ ] repeat instructions between brackets
co cast on
k knit
k2tog knit two stitches together

pm place marker
ssk slip one stitch knitwise, slip next stitch knitwise, then knit stitches together
sts stitch(es)

Loosely CO 44 sts on one circular needle (needle A). Slip half of the stitches to the other circular needle (needle B). Join to knit in the round, placing a marker at that point so you know where the round begins.

Knit 11 sts, pm, knit 11 sts, pm, knit 11 sts, pm, knit to end.
Knit all sts until the hat measures 4 inches.

Decreasing Rounds: ssk after every marker. k next round.

Repeat Decreasing Rounds until 8 sts remain. Cut yarn, leaving a 6 inch tail.

Weave in all ends. Place the hat on your cat, and send me a picture!

Thanks to LadyPatsFan for the great hat idea!

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.


  1. Pictures and projects like this make me wish I had a cat!

  2. Oh, fanstastic!

    Well, bearing in mind that guarding her Maj is a serious business quite right that Mr Greaseball is straight faced whilst on duty - and if he's got himself a rifle at his side I don't wanna be messing wiv him, oh no.

    A trained guardsman can/will hold on to a thought long after public duty - hmmmm, catnip sticky pudding.

  3. how bout' a crumpet at teatime? perhaps that might be a fancy feast? The Queen Mother certainly agrees... :)

  4. That hat is too cute. And I was right - the dour expression is the perfect accessory! Thanks for this one!

  5. I can not believe how angry he looks and you still managed to get a great picture. Did he rip your face off afterwards? (joke)
