
Monday, October 20, 2008

Back from the BBQ

We're back from Austin, and the BBQ is still on my mind. Like good little solders, we ate BBQ 4 out of the 5 days we were there, sampling a new place each time. Yes, folks, it took discipline to hork down yet another piece of moist brisket, but we did it.

This is the most interesting, and dare I say the best, BBQ joint: City Market in Luling, Texas. The BBQ room (yes, a whole room!) is hidden at the back of the store. As you step through the doors, you wonder if you are in the right place, until you see a sign that erases any doubts.

I guess City Market got tired of people asking for utensils. I was told that the white sandwich bread was supposed to be my fork. I'm kind of a bread snob, and I think that Wonder Bread is the devil, so I just ate the meat straight like a true cave(wo)man.

This is the interior of the secret BBQ place. I could only stay in this oaky, smokey room for a few minutes before excusing myself. I guess I'm not core enough.

And here's our grub! What, you only see Wonder Bread? Well, what lies under the pile of devil's bread is moist brisket, pork ribs, and the best beef sausage.

I washed this meal down with Big Red. I heard it was a Only in Texas drink, so I tried it. It tasted like red gummy bears. Unfortunately, the smoke went to my brain and during my BBQ feeding frenzy, I dumped some of my Big Red onto my moist brisket thinking that it was the BBQ sauce. Oops.

In order to not gain 10 pounds of BBQ gut, we stayed active. This was hard to do since the humidity made me want to stay in the air conditioned house, but images of my last BBQ gut motivated me to earn those calories. This meant that we stuck on our Couch to 5K running program, we kayaked, we canoed, and we disc golfed.

These are pictures from our 6 mile kayak along Town Lake. The undersides of bridges are great motivators to keep paddling.

The tops of clouds are also great motivators to keep flying (as is spending quality time with friends).

So, um, yeah... There be knitting to show off. And some blog awards to pass on. And I have a new International Cat Hat all finished up and ready for its debut. I just need motivation or a swift kick in the arse. Feel free to provide me with either.

Stay tuned...


  1. What yarn stores did you go to?

  2. Since Hill Country Weavers was walking distance from my digs, that is where I landed. I was going to go to Gauge, but interestingly enough, no one else was interested. Hmph!

  3. I wanted to give my yarn to you since I haven't knit in ages. Totally forgot. Oh, now that I have a baby sitter, we can fly to Llano for BBQ (Coopers) on your next visit. Whee!

  4. Wow, that photo of the clouds is breathtaking! And ,yeah, the underside of a bridge can be kind of YUCKY, just keep paddling!

    Thanks for the pictures! How are the critters doing? Texas needed to see Mingus in his hat!

  5. See, I'm a Memphis girl, so beef BBQ is totally not my thing. Give me pork, dangit! :)

  6. Big Red is not an Texas only Drink, they used to have it in Riverside and the OC. It's ok.

  7. Loved the travel blog, and photos! Here's your kick in the "arse" since you said to provide it. Only kicking back simply one of the twenty you've given me. ;)

    Happy Hump Day!

  8. The critters are doing well! The cats especially missed us and have not left our laps since we've returned.
