
Saturday, January 10, 2009


The dogs miss Arizona. They were able to run free in the desert.

The people miss Arizona. They were able to explore cactus (bullet holes in cactus were, unfortunately, quite common),

dead dried things (I'll spare you my many photos that fall into this category),

abandoned mines (not as sketchy as it sounds),

Christmas (see Mingus?),


and Castle Dome Peak (the boy did a write up about our hike).

I had no expectations for the desert, and I am happy to report that there was never a dull moment! It's a great place to be outdoors, during the winter at least. Get me out of there when the temperature reaches over 90 degrees F!


  1. I absolutely love the pictures of the dogs running together! They look so darn happy!

    Did a thought ever enter Mingus' head? Inquiring minds want to know.... :)

  2. I *love* the dogs running free. Beautiful. And that picture from the mine needs to be blown up and framed, that's a GREAT shot! Look at those contrast of colors. I love hearing about and seeing your adventures. It's what life is all about!

  3. Nice pictures! And, I want more pictures of dead dry things and abandoned mines. :P

  4. what GREAT pictures!!!
    and I agree- the ones of the dogs running is a fave. they look absolutely thrilled!
    but my fave is the one of you and Perry on the rocks! :o) ek.
