
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Honey Mustard Salad Dressing

Since the boy and I are trying to cut back on prepared foods, we've been making our own salad dressings. Tonight's salad dressing was the boy's all time favorite: honey mustard dressing.

I perused the Internet, and found this Alton Brown recipe that was promising. It didn't have mayonnaise, a plus since I didn't want to make any, and there were only a few ingredients, all of which I happened to have in stock. Since 5 T of honey seemed excessive, and I was using my homemade mustard instead of Dijon, I changed the quantities to the following:

3 T honey
2 T mustard
2 T rice wine vinegar
1 pinch salt

Whisk it all together and you got yourself a honey mustard dressing way better than store bought! Tip: you can make the dressing directly in the salad bowl, eliminating the need to wash a mixing bowl. I added a few cranks of pepper into the salad.

We are really enjoying our lettuce garden. Being able to have a garden fresh salad twice a week is a nice perk to living in the Bay Area.

1 comment:

  1. I need to get some rice vinegar so I can make me some of this! YUM!!!
