
Monday, March 30, 2009

The Beginning of Hammock Season

Personally, I do not find hammocks relaxing at all. Hammock zen eludes me because they make my knees feel like they want to bend the wrong way. However, hammock zen was achieved with the boy and Mingus.

Even Greaseball joined in on the fun.

Folks, do not try this at home, especially the last bit involving the grumpy cat with very sharp claws.


  1. Mingus looks very, very content!

  2. I love when big dogs still think they are a 'lap dog'! Very cute photos. And I'm with you on the hammock thing, parts don't feel like they are in the right places in one of those things plus I still have the childhood fear of someone coming and flipping me out.

  3. I've never been able to put it into words . . . hammocks DO make your knees bend backwards - and there is just no way to exit or enter one gracefully. I'm not a huge fan either, but I always thought I was in the minority.

  4. srsly, mingus looks sooo happy on the boy's lap! hope you guys have a great weekend! :o)

  5. I want a hammock!

    Kallie likes to stand on laps too... silly cats

  6. Mingus is just so stunningly beautiful! He looks like he almost has a bit of wolf in him. Cute picture of your family teehee...
    we are getting pretty close to hammock-ing but the bugs here in NY can be ridiculous at times lol

  7. You're right about the whole 'knee thing!' You have to have your legs bent out a little so they don't make your knees feel too much pressure the wrong way!

    The boy makes it look easy, though! So does Mingus, but he makes EVERYTHING look easy!
