
Monday, August 10, 2009

New toy!

A knitting machine fell into my lap yesterday! My aunt's mother was an avid knitter and crocheter. How avid? Well, she crocheted and knit both of her daughters' wedding dresses. That's dedication! After years of hanging on to her mother's knitting supplies (and this is just a small fraction of it - my aunt originally filled up a 14-foot moving truck with yarn!), my aunt realized that she would never use any of it so she asked if the boy and I would be up for a new toy. Of course we would!

The boy is actually the one who is really digging the machine, since he talks to machines like a duck to water. Who knew that all I had to do to get him interested in knitting was to mechanize it?

Below is his first swatch. The machine that we have only does stockinette fabric. I'll have to do the ribbing by hand.

My aunt also passed on a Brother ribbing machine accessory, but it is not compatible with the White knitting machine. :/ I guess I'll hang onto this for a spell, though, since the Brother machines are built like tanks. If the boy decides that the current machine is too limiting, we can upgrade.

Not to be left out, Mingus also worked on a little craft project. Luckily, this seat was out of commission. Anyone want a malamute?

I have a ton of vintage yarn and needles that need a new home as well. Anyone who knows of any charities in the Berkeley area, or anyone interested in vintage yarn (surprisingly, a lot of it is wool, not acrylic), lemme know and I can get back to you with specifics.

Some of the yarn even has my aunt's mother's WIPs still attached. It was bittersweet for my aunt to give these away. I wish I knew how to finish them, but I am ignorant in the ways of crochet.


  1. I'm sure you two will put it to constant use! A knitting machine. What skills do you need to use one? Other than not being a malamute, that is. I guess you don't have to be a knitter? *mind churning with possibilities*

  2. Ok. That is so cool. All of it. The knitting machine!? That would be so much fun! Think of the sweaters!

    And the vintage yarn. Those Afghans? are gorgeous! I wish I knew how to crochet, too. Boo hoo.

    If I ever get the @*$@#(*$(*&@#($*& hang of this #@#*$&@#(*$&$&@(#*$ spinning thing, I'll consider learning crochet.

  3. Heh, the spinning is supposed to be a meditative thing, Rani. Have you chased your spindle across the room yet?

    HOLY CRAP! I wish someone would drop a knitting machine in my lap! I have a Bond, but it's pretty primative by comparison, and it's in the US, anyway, so not helping me any here. Humfp.

  4. The East Bay Depot is always a great home for craft supplies. I am always happy when I remember to take things there since it is such a good home for things I can't use myself!

  5. That is a very cool stash haul. And it comes with memories!

    I bought a knitting machine once, and took it back without using it. For me, knitting is all about being portable! But I didn't have a machine-genius to fall in love with it; DH is non-mechanical.

    Enjoy your new toys!

  6. WOW! It's not often that something that cool falls into one's lap!

    Nobody wants a malamute...sorry! He fits in too well with your house anyway...what would you make fun of? He's some of your BEST blogging material!

    David gave me a pedicure once, when I was pregnant..and only because I had this battery-powered nail file that reminded him of a tool in his shop. Then, he was all into it! (Though he probably wouldn't admit it now!)

  7. holey crap-- mingus is crrrazy! wow! i'm glad it was an old seat and not a new one!
    i emailed you about the charities stuff...
    OMG that crochet is sooo beautiful! do you think you would want to just use them as really large coasters... or mount them in a shadow box and document what they are and give them back to your auntie? that is truly beautiful stuff! thanks for sharing!
