
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Turkish Delight

Although I went to the Boonville fiber festival with a "I'm just looking" attitude, a Turkish spindle jumped into my bag and followed me home.

It's from Jenkins Woodworking. I have been stalking these spindles on their website, and it always seems like they are sold out of the Turkish Delights. So, when I spied these at the Henderson Creek Farm booth, I knew the marblewood spindle was destined to be mine.

Yesterday, I spun some fiber from Henderson (70% kid mohair, 30% Romney lamb) on my new toy. It was so easy to ply from the center pull ball! Aha! This is why Turkish spindles are way cool!

I have also been trying to spin on my wheel again, but I just wasn't feeling the groove. Spindle spinning has the perfect cadence to match my mood.


  1. I saw those last year, but got a WPI gauge from them instead. They have such beautiful craftsmanship!

  2. I bought one at Sock Summit. I love it. It's my first spindle, and what a great introduction to spinning. So smooth, so balanced. It's like spinning a top. Easy! (I'm all ready for dreidel spinning now...)

    I'm hoping to see them at Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival this weekend; I may need another spindle...

  3. Wuh?! Never heard of one. Crap. A whole new thing to figure out and obsess about.

  4. Very pretty. I may have to try one, since I'm not picking up spinning yet...hope springs eternal!
