
Friday, October 23, 2009

More Pumpkin Pulp Goodness

The blogosphere is ripe with fall pumpkin recipes, and I got sucked into it. This week, I've started my mornings off with pumpkin spice coffee, which I've tweaked so it is a one mug recipe. What I do is put 2 T pumpkin pulp, 1 tsp agave syrup, and a shake or two of pumpkin spice into my mug, add hot coffee, give it a mix, and top it off with some milk. Another idea floating in my head is to put a shake or two of pumpkin spice mix into the French press before I add the water, but I share my morning joe with the boy, and I am positive he wouldn't like it.

The strange, but true, added benefit of this is that the fiber in the pumpkin is filling, so I don't want to immediately gnaw off my hand in the mornings. Yes, I eat breakfast most mornings, but I always, always have a cup of coffee in the AM. It's the second thing I ingest every day, the first being my allergy pill and a little bit of water. ( My fiber obsessed friend would scold me if I forgot to mention that fiber is good for your digestive health!)

Another pumpkin recipe I scarfed down was this creamy pumpkin pasta. Instead of Italian sausage, I tossed in chopped, precooked chicken apple sausage while I was sauteing the garlic. The amounts of pumpkin pulp, chicken broth, and cream can be adjusted to make this recipe more healthy. For example, even though I omitted all of the cheese, sour cream, and reduced the heavy cream to 2 tablespoons, the pumpkin pulp gave the sauce a silky texture resulting in decadence. Next time I make this, I'll deglaze the saucepan with a bit of white wine or add some apple cider vinegar. The sauce was really sweet, and some acidity would have made it more balanced. Oh, and for you busy people, I made this dish last night in 15 minutes. The longest lead time was the pasta.


  1. that is such a good description of the feeling i get after i drink my cup of coffee in the AM-- gnaw off my hand...
    and when do you add the cream for the pasta dish? I added it too early one time and it kinda curdled on me...ick.

  2. That looks awesome! I think we'll have a pumpkin feast this weekend.

  3. I added the cream towards the end and it didn't curdle. You could also turn the heat off before you add the cream if you're worried about curdling, and make sure to not add that much acid.

  4. I still really need to try this! I just won't tell my family and they might actually eat it! If not, think it freezes okay? I'm so tired of eating too much of something or letting it go to waste!

  5. the pasta looks awesome and I need to try the coffee recipe too.. I got a pumpkin in my CSA share this week and winter shares start next week so I will have plenty of winter squash to cook with
