
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Almost to 100 Cats with Berets!

 On Ravelry, one of my obsessive compulsive behaviors is to check how many Ravelers have made my International Cat Hat France: Le Mieux. 94 people have made mini berets for their cats and (small) dogs. It's strange and cool that a nagging idea of a bereted Greaseball resonated with at least 94 other people. A blog giveaway is in order once it reaches 100!

Click here to see a bunch of cats who eat croissants and drink coffee. You must have a Ravelry account to view the project page, but if you don't and you knit/crochet, you surely are already a member!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god, I almost wet my pants laughing at the little dog at the top of the page with the hat on. Good times good times. My cat is a scrungy decrepit old thing that can't even meow any more. She opens her mouth and nothing comes out except hair balls. Poor old thing. Maybe a hat is just the think to make her feel young again.
