
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Family Photos

Poor Mingus had his feelings hurt because he wasn't included in the family photos, try as he might. Surely, a gathering of people means that they are all there to give him pets!

When we all got up and moved to another spot with equally poor lighting, he followed and asked politely for more ear scratches.

While hiking in Arizona, Vespa and I got our own family portrait. I <3 my dog!

While vacation was relaxing, it is good to be home. The cats missed us a lot and haven't stopped giving us head butts. I missed my kitchen a lot because cooking with electric burners and nonstick pans make my blood boil. I missed my produce market a ton! Although lots of fruits and vegetables are grown in Arizona, it  was a challenge to find anything other than potatoes and iceberg lettuce in the sleepy town where we spent most of our days.

There was always plenty to keep me pleasantly occupied. I got loads of knitting and crocheting done, and I got in some pretty good off-road biking. It's nice to have stretches of road where you can ride for miles without encountering a motor vehicle. In order to ensure that all my skin dried up, I also went to Yosemite and had a blast cross country skiing. Finally, I think it's time to ditch the rental skis and get a pair of my very own since I have at least 3 more skiing trips planned this year. Plus, wearing shoes that other people wear and sweat in is disgusting.

Happy as I am to be home, I think the dogs are a wee bit depressed. All that Arizona sunshine translated into long hikes. They also had more people to fawn over them, plus houses with plush carpeting to rest their tushes.

The next post will have crafting content. I promise.


  1. I would really like to borrow Vespa until we get a new dog. Oh I <3 your dogs, too - any dog for that matter. Thank you so much for your kind words regarding our numbskull of a dog. Miss him terribly, but the crying bit is over. So is the 'feeling sorry for myself' bit. We're looking for our new friend. Oh. And my cat died.


    Can't wait to see your knitting. and this is so random, but I was reading the Dog Whisperers book (ironically - started just before the dog kicked it) and he talks about how important it is for dog psychology for them to hike and walk and explore. Interesting.

  2. I love that picture of you and Vespa. It's perfect.

    Luka likes his ears scratched, too!

    When Luka is really happy he snorts. Sometimes I scratch his ears just to make him snort. :)

  3. Love your pic with Vespa. Glad the boy obliged :) The odd thing about vacationing in winter is that I am torn between traveling to sun and traveling to snow. I think I want to travel to sunny snow and bright ski slopes.
