
Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Done! I finished weaving in the ends this morning, and then immediately put it on and took some pictures (hence, the bad lighting). I followed the pattern exactly for a size xs, partially due to the rareness of me knitting a sweater in pieces. I didn't want to mess up!

It felt like I was knitting forever, yet my Rav page says I started on 2/14 and ended on 3/22. I think this is mostly due to the blocked pieces sitting on our dining room table, mocking me for about a week.

The yarn is Cascade Ecological Wool in colorway 8016, and it is delightfully springy to knit, and delightfully warm to wear. This is so much softer than Cascade 220, but every bit as economical. I'm tempted to go out and buy another 2 skeins for another cardigan!

I have one more cardigan on the needles, my own design, and another cardigan that I need to finish writing up all the pattern sizes and get test knit. Cardigans, it seems, are on my brain.


  1. Knitting forever means, starting on 2/14/10 and ending on 3/22/11, sistah. You kicked that sweater's ass! And it's so pretty - the color, the drape, the pattern. So cute.

    ps. Cascade is not so economical here. I wonder about this Cascade Eco. . . gonna check it out.

    Congrats - it's beautiful!!!!!
