
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pi Day Pie

For Pi Day (3/14), I made a chard and saffron tart, otherwise known as an egg pie according to my friend, Steph. The dough was a yeasted tart dough that was a snap to make - no kneading required! I made this tart loosely based Deborah Madison's Saffron and Egg Tart from The Greens Cookbook. Not surprisingly, the resulting crust was more like white bread than the buttery, flaky crusts I associate with tarts. Next time, I'll have to substitute a sourdough starter or different flours to give the crust a little more personality.

My version of the tart had one bunch of chard, garlic, leeks, saffron, nutmeg, Parmesan, and a healthy sprinkling of toasted hazelnuts.And eggs. 6 eggs.

This was a "use what I have" dinner, made mostly because I did not feel like venturing out unnecessarily in the rain. The pickings in the refrigerator are getting lean, as tonight's dinner illustrated: homemade macaroni (tube wormy looking, but good!), chopped leg of lamb (leftover from a rotisserie lamb the boy made over the weekend), roasted sweet potatoes, parsnips, and multicolored carrots. I can no longer play chicken with the grocery store - tomorrow we're either eating out at a new (to me) Korean restaurant I've been dying to try or hitting the produce market on the way back from work.

Saint Patrick's Day is coming up, and since we're invited to a friend's house for dinner, if my schedule cooperates, I'm planning on making an Irish car bomb dessert: Guinness ice cream topped with Irish whiskey whipped cream!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I hope you have a chance to make that dessert, and post photos and maybe the recipe! We are huge fans of Guinness pie - steak and ale pie - and I would love to know how to make the guinness ice cream. Sounds so yummy.
