
Saturday, March 19, 2011


I awoke yesterday to this:

The boy had already left for work, and I was snoozing for an extra hour. When I first woke up, I spied Fifty on the boy's pillow, then as my bleary vision sharpened, I noticed Vespa, then Mingus, and finally Greaseball. It's funny how they can all get along when the reward is the forbidden bed. Well, forbidden to the dogs, at least. I have no idea how to prevent cats from getting on a bed.

Vespa and Fifty decided to shine their laser beam eyes at me since they knew that I'd soon shoo them all off the place of supreme coziness.

Their evil plot didn't work. I still shoo'ed them off the bed.


  1. Oh, how could you! With no snow days out there, i would have claimed this as an official Lie In Bed day with my animals. (I wouldn't tell anyone about the animal part).

  2. You shooed them off the bed? Those poor babies. You tell Vespa and Mingus that dogs around my house are allowed on the bed. I'll take them away from their evil surroundings. ;-)

    I love how they're all lined up. It's like they negotiated or drew straws for spots.

  3. P.S. I like the new blog theme!

  4. Mingus has twitchy legs, so he ends up kicking us in the gut if we let him stay on the bed. I'm surprised he was so still that morning (but you can see that he did change positions while I was snapping pictures).
