
Saturday, August 27, 2011

No Longer a Mystery Socks and SS11 Socks

Hot off the needles, here are my Mystery Socks designed by Jen at Knitting Like Crazy! If you look closely, you'll see that the freshly vacuumed floor was no match for Mingus and the billowy clouds of fur that he emits at a shocking rate.

It was satisfying to knit up a pair of socks with my newly acquired Sock Summit 2011 stash. Now, my hoarder brain is wishing I had bought more Socks that Rock, but I have one more skein in another red colorway to savor, as well as other skeins of sock yarn from my most excellent trip.

I never got around to sharing the socks I wore during Sock Summit: Cookie A's Twisted Flower. It was an exhausting pattern because there were no "rest rows" of just knitting - every row needed a chart. There was loads of tinking back, but I finished them in time for their debut.

Although I love these socks, they are more loosely knit than I prefer (I knit to gauge) and I worry about their durability. They're knit up using Malabrigo sock.

Already, the heels are pilled. Still, they were a (sometimes frustrating) challenge to knit, and I'm glad that they are done.

I'm daydreaming about knitting up more socks. I have some on the needles right now, but it's a traveling vine pattern done up in variegated yarn, so it's a bit too much effort for a pattern that doesn't show up well. Time to rip them out. If anyone has any sock pattern ideas for variegated yarns that are not Jaywalkers or Monkeys, please pass them on!


  1. I'm not a big fan of using patterns with variegated yarn. I think the yarn and pattern tend to compete with each other.

    If it's a subtle variegated yarn, I've done the Yarn Over Cable from Sensational Knitted Socks and it looks lovely.

    For wild variegated yarns I usually do a plain vanilla sock or a ribbed sock.

  2. Those red socks are really lovely! I've kind of been on a sock knitting kick lately too.

  3. Your Mystery Socks look good! Some good socks for varigated that I have seen; Fawkes, Show-off Stranded Socks, Tartan socks,hmm. That is all I can think of. But if you are a member of Sock Knitters on Ravelry. I know that one of their posts was about socks that look good with varigated. :)

  4. runswithneedles, I feel the same way about variegated sock yarn. Vanilla or Jaywalkers is what I've done in the past.

    Andrea, it must be the Summer of Socks. :)

    Andi, great pattern suggestions! Thanks, I really like them! I'll check out the sock forum, too, for ideas.

  5. I can't knit at all, so I am hugely impressed by your sock knitting!
