
Tuesday, May 1, 2012


The boy has upgraded his beer operation to 5-gallon batches, which as far as I can tell, means that he washes bottles for hours on brew days. However, now his dream of drinking his own beer at home is a reality. The homebrews' alcohol content have been roughly 3%, so I've been referring to the beers as "Utah friendly." 

Mingus, however, is not impressed with the DIY beer. Beer has nothing to do with dogs getting walks or dogs getting food, so he just hides behind our curtain until we pay attention to him.

In a moment of insanity, I decided to walk Mingus to my bank. The walk inflated his ego since two strangers approached him and went nuts petting him. Now, whenever we pass someone we don't know, Mingus assumes that the person wants to give him pets and he veers towards them, something I am not encouraging because not everyone is ok with a wolf-like dog getting into his or her personal space.

I've been experimenting with paella-ish dishes that have less rice than a traditional paella. This particular batch had 2 cups of baby lima beans, 1 head of cauliflower, and 1 bunch of kale. I only added 1/2 cup of raw rice to the dish and only 2 chorizo sausages. It turned out just as delicious as a rice dependent paella, and it didn't make me want to take a nap after dinner. The key to getting all the rice to cook is putting a lid on it for the first 20 minutes.

Fifty-Fifty is still lapping up the sun spots around the house.

And Vespa, ever vigilant, keeps her eyes on Fifty.

Some things will never change.


  1. Poor Mingus! He has so much love to give, yet is so misunderstood.

  2. I love cauliflower and that dish looks extremely healthy *bookmark* I really love your recipes. I'm going to make carrot pickles tonight!

  3. Mingus is absolutely BEAUTIFUL ! A friend of mine has an "almost all Timber Wolf" boy and he looks even more like a wolf then Mingus;( has the extra long legs, wolf ear-&- tail set) we know what you mean about people being leery when he approaches them on leashed walks. He doesn't bark, and has "the look" he'll give you that un-nerves most people. But he would only lick them to death. ;-)

  4. Solnichka, I often think that if Mingus could speak, he would echo your sentiment. He's just a poor, misunderstood dog. Unfortunately, all some people see is a big bad wolf coming to eat them!

    mariebeedee, thanks! Good luck with the carrot pickles!

    Madamspinner, Mingus thanks you and wishes that you could give him some head pats right now. He's feeling terribly neglected.
