
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Impulse Buys

The pineapple and the puffball: our dinner tonight. Both were impulse buys, and it wasn't until I placed them side by side that I noticed their similarities. Can you tell I've been thinking about a hexagon baby blanket that I need to seam?

The pineapple jumped into my basket after I tried a sample. "Do you like pineapple? Here, try this." And I tried it. I gave the guy a nod, he asked when I planned on eating the pineapple, I told him tonight, and off I went with a 1-pound pineapple in my possession. It's so good and sweet that I am not even going to bake any of it into the yogurt cake I've been making over and over again with summer's fruit.

For the puffball, I think just frying it up with a little bit of butter is the best way to eat it so I don't dilute its earthy, nutty flavor.  I have some English peas that need a good shuck, then maybe I'll make some focaccia or some other grain to go with tonight's dinner. Or maybe a puffball and pea pasta will be dinner. I think half the fun of buying unusual ingredients is planning on what to make!

For the most part, my garden looks the same as the last time I posted pictures. Living in the fog means that my summer vegetable harvest isn't quite the same as the days of my 100 degree summer childhood, but I can grow things like lettuce with ease. (OK, lettuce not as delicious as snap peas, but I'm trying to be positive here.) I think I spied one ripe sungold tomato today, so I'll cut it in half and share it with the boy for tonight's salad. My zucchini and yellow squash plants are the opposite of prolific, but I suppose I can start eating the blossoms. I have some goat cheese and cornmeal all ready to go.

The boy went snail and slug hunting in our garden last night and nabbed 5 critters munching on tender shoots. I've been going after the ivy in our yard (well, more like in our neighbor's yard, but ivy doesn't have a notion of property lines so I have to cut it back aggressively) to destroy more snail and slug habitat. If anyone knows how to train cats to kill slugs and snails, let me know. I still cannot figure out a way for my cats to earn their keep, although they keep me entertained as hat models.


  1. Mmm, that pineapple looks really good! And ripe!

  2. I had never heard of a puffball before. I Googled it... interesting. I'll have to keep an eye out for one next time I venture out past the local Safeway.

    Lazy cats! If you figure out how to train them let me know. Though mine is now 18, so I think we've passed the training years.
