
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Misty Garden is off the needles!

What a difference blocking makes! I am constantly amazed at how a little blocking makes my items the perfect fit. In this case, I was able to add many inches to my scarf. I won't have to give it away after all!

Mingus, of course, likes it also. We all know that every malamute needs to wear a mohair scarf in the middle of summer.

I was stalled on this project for two reason: I was still burned from the last time I tried to turn this yarn into a scarf, and I had a hard time working the stitches. This last problem was solved by the purchase of some Addi Turbo lace needles (oh, how I love thee). Once I could face the yarn again without cringing and I switched needles, this project flew off the needles. Thank goodness. Now, I just need to finish my socks!


  1. oh what a pretty scarf! and it looks so nice on Mingus. All fashionable pups need accessories!

  2. that looks great! isn't blocking wonderful!!

    Mingus looks very dapper too!

  3. hey! it's noviceknitter from craigslist! i love the scarf, it looks great! mingus looks oh so comfy modeling it for you!

  4. I am a crafter too. Although I have arthritus so knitting is noit good for me and I find my elbows and shoulders hurt too mch to do it.

    Love work

    warm wishes

  5. It looks terrific! You did a really good job.
