
Monday, September 24, 2007

Chasing Away the Monday Blues

The question has morphed from "What's on your needles?" to "What's on your bobbins?" I suppose this is only fitting since my blog's name is Spindles and Spices.

So, what's on my bobbins, you ask (or maybe you didn't ask, but please indulge me)? These lovely singles are ready to ply - the colorway is Red from Chasing Rainbows Dyeworks. It is a 50/50 blend of merino and tencel. For this round of spinning, I felt brave and I used my fast speed flyer whorl, giving me a flyer to wheel ratio of 13:1.

Perhaps this will be for socks or lace? That is, when I actually start knitting again! This fiber felt squeaky when I was drafting it, which is due to the tencel. Two bobbins are full of this stuff, so it is ready for plying.

I guess this blog post's title is not entirely true because there were some Monday blues involved.

This is a 70/30 blend of merino/tencel from Carolina Homespun. Since my increasing stash is starting to scare me, I'm spinning it from Kim-Chi Crafts's roving collection (finished yarn will go to her). I'm using a flyer to wheel ratio of 15.5:1 and so far, this is working out well.

I realize that most of my pet pictures are taken in the same spot, but it's everyone's favorite place to be. Unlike last time, Fifty was able to ward off evil Greaseball to retain the sun puddle.

The cats were being especially tolerant of me today, probably because they didn't want me to take their spots.


  1. those are the best photos!! how they make me smile. i can't wait to show my husband when he gets home. :)

  2. What sweeties! I miss my kitty very much. I do have to admit, I do not miss the litterbox, however.

    Those yarns both look yummy! I am partial to that red color ;)

  3. oooohhhhhh...
    yuuuuuummmmy yarn....
    i can't wait to see it plied up... the red one too....sooo pretty!!!

    and Hurrah for 50!!! :o)
    those interactions between the kitties reminds me of when my sisters used to "tickle me to death" as a kid. or sit on each other and fart...yup. gotta love the siblings... :o) sun puddle, tickles, farts-- it's all the same! haha!

    Great Pictures of the kitty heads...i'd frame those! :o)

  4. Your yarns are both gorgeous, and the kitties are so cute! Sun puddle, indeed!
