
Friday, September 28, 2007

FO Friday!

Okay, so this is not technically a FO yet because I have not felted it, but I grafted the handles and weaved in all the ends. All the real work is done. The beauty of this bag is what you cannot see: I spun the yarn, dyed it, and knitted it. This will be my MIL's gift, not only because she is special, but because she is a fellow craftster who can appreciate all the effort that went into this.

Mingus just hated modeling such a girly item. Unbelievably, this picture is the best of the bunch. The other pictures showcase Mingus giving me the ol' stink eye. Here, it looks like his tongue is protesting the humiliating modeling session and wants to take a flying leap from his mouth.

I finally got around to plying my merino/tencel singles from Chasing Rainbows Dyeworks. The color lot is called red, but the resulting yarn is more purple. I love how it turned out!

My two ounces of roving ended up being 157 yards and it is pretty much fingering weight. Unfortunately, that is not even enough for me to make anklets (it's not fair that I am so short, yet my feet are so huge!), so I'll have to think of something else to do with this yarn.

My Tofutsie anklets are almost done, and I love how the heel flap on the second toe-up sock turned out! I didn't have to pickup stitches, either. Perhaps I'll have some time tomorrow to make it FO Saturday so I can finish the anklets and the super cute baby hat that just needs assembly. One can only hope.


  1. Haroo! Mingus is adding his own special fiber to the project. It's hard work. Give him treats.
    Guinness & Shiloh

    Mom says nice job! very cute purse

  2. Hahahahaha Mingus' protesting is clas wait for it, and I hope you brought your cold medication cause the next word is sic...CLASSIC!

  3. The bag is great! How wonderful that it's going to your crafty MIL. Your purplish-red yarn is lovely.

    Are you sure Mingus isn't just swatting flies with his tongue (sure looks like it to me!)? SMACK! "Got one!"

  4. the bag looks great! and i love the pic of mingus!!
