
Monday, October 1, 2007

Following the Silk Road

I have a love/hate relationship with wool. Since I am mildly allergic to wool, I cannot wear most wool garments without feeling pricked all over by tiny needles. However, avoiding wool as a beginning knitter and spinner is hard - and who would want to? Wool is a joy to knit with and a joy to spin!

At last weekend's Knit and Crochet show, found my antidote to wool: silk. I can spin silk. I can knit silk. And best of all, I can wear silk. Red Fish Dyeworks was my pusher of choice, and I came away from their booth with two project ideas and silk laceweight yarn aplenty.

Two teasers for you (since I am about to get kicked off the computer):


  1. OH MY DOG!!! WHAT A GORGEOUS DOG!!! And the silk is nice too. Who is the doggie? What a beautiful animal. Has to be a husky/GSD mix, right? The best mix in the world.

    I started a Josie Moran tank top with the cashmere and it is lovely. Shucks, I will have to buy more! hee hee

  2. Such a pretty puppy! Who is that?

    The silk's very nice, too.

  3. I still have that tussah silk that youre welcome to spin if you ever want it ;)

  4. I haven't used silk much, but of what I've used, I love it too!

    How was the Knit and Crochet Conference? I wanted to go but didn't get a chance. Bummer - maybe next year.
