
Friday, October 26, 2007

I have so much to do, so why am I blogging?

With the exception of finishing up my silk yarn, I've accomplished my knitting goals for this week.

Ooooo La La scarf? Check. Now, the question is, to fringe or not to fringe?

Felted bag? Check. The colors are pretty washed out, but the recipient likes pastels.

One Gentleman's Fancy Sock? Check! Dude, the boy's family is populated with sasquatches. I mean that in the nicest way, of course.

Shots so I don't get Hep A and typhoid? Check. That Snoopy bandage is misleading - the typhoid shot was so painful!

Dousing clothes in anti-mosquito juice? Check.

Travel knitting? Check. (Heh, like I can really finish 2 pairs of socks and a lace scarf in 3 weeks...)

I'm going to miss my critters and the comforts of home. But who can resist an adventure? See ya in a few weeks, blogosphere peeps!


  1. Ack, Needles.... I hate needles and shots... no thank you.

    Have a fun safe trip and post lots of pictures upon your return.

  2. I think fringe would be lovely, too! The bag and sock look great (and so do those yummy yarn cakes).

    Have fun!

  3. Have a GREAT time! We want pictures and lots of Thailand/Far East/Asiatic stories when you come back, so don't forget to take the camara! And geranium/lavender/citronella essential oil blend with olive oil added to it makes a great mosquito repellent. Personally tested in Haiti and Peru. Take a mosquito net to sleep under, if you can.

  4. see you later!!!
    can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!
    p.s. i think fringe is in order...

  5. Bon Voyage, mon ami!!!


  6. No blogging for almost a month?! Hope you're feeling okay =)

    Hope you have a great Thanksgiving and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a fellow November baby!

  7. Soooooooo how you doing? Recovered alright? Fur babies missed you?
