
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

World's Cutest Baby

Remember the baby blanket I knit eons ago? Well, I finally had the pleasure of meeting the little guy it belongs to. Meet the Cutest Baby in the World.

"Go Bears! Cal is going to the Rose Bowl!"

"I rock the knitted goods!"

"What? You're going to knit me more things? I cannot wait!"


  1. Oh, man... he is super cute, and definitely seems to enjoy the handknits!

  2. SO CUTE!!!
    chubby cheeks...smiley face...handknit snuggler...i'd say that is one perfect little cutie!

  3. Who doesn't love a happy baby? He's adorable!

  4. My goodness! You can tell he's so happy 'cause he's so comfy in his own marvelous blanket!

  5. how happy he is! babies are awesome. that's why I love my job - I get to play with babies

  6. "World's Cutest Baby"? I won't argue with that!

    Thnx again for the blankie ... as you can see, he loves it. And good call on the color scheme. I dunno how on Earth you figured out our taste in colors ;)

    Looking forward to more (Mingus-free) knits from Auntie.
