
Monday, October 22, 2007

Winding up to wind down

This is the last week before our vacation extravaganza to Vietnam and Thailand. So far, the only preparation I've done has been to buy cheap but pointy plastic needles to take on the plane. I think I'm going to only bring sock yarn and lace weight yarn because there won't be space in my backpack for anything else!

Because I hate having UFOs, my plan is to finish spinning and plying the tussah silk roving, finish my Ooo La La Scarf, felt my MIL's purse, and finish up my FIL's first sock. Then, I want to cast on for the scroll socks in More Sensational Knitted socks and perhaps start another sock. Or two socks.

Of course, we still don't have places to stay in all of the cities we want to visit, but that will work itself out. From everything that I've read and from people I've talked with, it's easy to find cheap, clean places to stay. Years ago, having a bare bones travel itinerary would've kept me up all night, but I've learned that that the best trips are the ones that leave enough room wiggle room to follow a cool tip you learn from a random traveler or person on the street.

Hm, what sock yarn should I take? My Koigu? My Claudia's Handpainted? My Schaffer Anne?

Mingus is excited to stay at his grandma's house. He can hardily wait until he can romp around their giant, fenced backyard.

Scarlett was over last week and she has really begun to open up. She's such a smiley girl now! She and Mingus did get in a bit of trouble, though, when they decided to play tug of war with my new cardigan... However, all she has to do is bat her big, brown eyes at me and give me a cheeseball smile and I can't be upset.

Happy Monday, everyone!


  1. That dog is just TOO CUTE!!! :o)
    i just hope that the cardigan made it thru the debacle okay or is it totally ruined?!
    and the silk roving/singles look sooo yummy! :o)ek.

  2. Scarlet is A-DOR-A-BLE! I just wanna kiss her snooter! She looks like she's smiling and her markings are incredible. Mingus is a sweetie too. Oh, how I just love doggies....sigh....
    That first yarn is stunning and I am very jealous - the picture just makes you want to reach in and fondle it.

  3. Have fun on your trip! The yarn you're spinning up is just lovely! The dogs are such cuties, but I did experience a sharp intake of breath when I pictured Scarlett and Mingus warring over your cardigan, ack!

  4. Have a great time and stay safe! And take LOTS of pictures!!!

  5. Scarlett IS very smiley! She doesn't seem to take herself as seriously as the Siberian siren does. Celeste is still singing that song..."I'm too sexy for your knits, too sexy for this crate, too sexy for this apartment..." I did catch her wearing the pink girlie vest I just finished, though.
