
Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Picture Wednesday

Formula for a lazy blog post: take pictures and add captions. And away we go!

It's not easy being my cat. Fifty-Fifty can attest to this. I bug her when she's grooming,

I bug her when she is resting,

and I bug her when she is plotting her escape from this evil place where cameras are so rudely shoved into her face.

Kimchicrafts hosted a lovely knit together at her place. I'm beginning to suspect that all these knit togethers are just an excuse to indulge in wine and cheese. And cookies. And cake. (This is certainly NOT a complaint!) She served this English cheddar cheese with caramelized onions that I have since become obsessed with. So much so that I took many pictures of my own personal block of cheese scored from Trader Joe's. If I can figure out a way for the clickity-clack of my knitting needles to become a more aerobic hobby, I could eat more cheese!

On the knitting front, I've been plugging away at the never ending blanket. However, I did stretch my rules about not working on another WIP by, ahem, spinning some lovely tussah silk. See, the blanket is a knitting project, while this yarn is a spinning project. Totally different realms!

The roving was from Fiber Fiend and the colorway is Blackbery Swirl. My 2 ounces turned into 203 yards of 2 ply silk. Now, what can I make with it? Any ideas? It is a little thicker than fingering weight yarn.

Sunsets have been amazing around here. I look out the window and think to myself, now that would make a lovely colorway for sock yarn.


  1. Oh, that cheese sounds AWESOME. And I always have loved the sunsets from your house. I think if Jason and I can ever actually BUY a house, we'd want to live up there.

    In the meantime, it's 1 bedroom apartment until he gets out of school :P

  2. *drool* that cheese is so divine isn't it?! :o) i'm so glad we could all get together like that! and better yet-- we all got to indulge in some german food too!
    that handspun looks gorgeous too--perhaps an easy lace project off of knitty is in order? and 50/50 is just way too cute... too cute for her own good... :o)ek.

  3. So, Fifty's not too crazy about the Paparazzi, eh?

    That sunset is gorgeous and all these yarn shots are making me want to increase my stash!

    Thinking naughty thoughts about debit cards and yarn stores...

  4. mmmm, cheese

    I think I have bought that cheese at Costco before, although lately I have been trying to find excuses to buy the horseradish cheese at costco. Anyone else having a party sometime soon?
