
Monday, January 14, 2008

Copycats? I think so!

Take a close look at these cats.

No, they are not Fifty-Fifty and Greaseball! Instead, they are the copycats, known as Diesel and Amos, who live with harleymom. Amos is the newest addition to their family - pure love bug, that one is.

The Originals

The Copycats

I'm sure now that everyone has seen the evidence, there is no doubt who the original cats are. Greasy B and Fifty-Fifty are representin'!

Remember the mini sweaters? One of my mini sweaters has found a new home in Austin, Texas. It adorns a succulent and brings good luck to all who encounter it. Soon, it will take over the world. Go mini sweater!

I'm still knitting and spinning in my spare time, but the progress shots aren't that interesting or inspiring, so I'll spare y'all.

In other news, I'm honored that The Stoutino Inn & Foster Kennel gave my blog an award! The head woofer over there said that we're one of the bloggers that makes her day. How sweet! Check out her blog to see some mighty handsome dogs (she has GSDs and huskies).

The rules are that I'm supposed to pass this along to 10 other bloggers, but I'm horrible at keeping these rules. Therefore, I'll give it to just one person, LeannIAm, who is making me so proud with her knitting! She learned how to knit at the beginning of this year, and already she has made 2 washcloths and 2 scarves. And, this is on top of taking care of three kids. Talk about some mad skillz.

And just because I haven't done this for some time... *clears throat*
Fifty-Fifty knows all! She sees all! You MUST believe!


  1. Awwwww....I'm flattered!

    I haven't done all that much...I just had a GREAT TEACHER!!!

    Thanks for the award! You know...come to think of it, this is the first award I've ever received!

    I guess you could say I'm no longer innocent, eh?


  2. they really are copycats!!

    apparenlty i need to get an orange cat to so we can be part of the cool kids..

    but kaya says - no more sisters.. its bad enough you brought that gray cat home (although she does give good kisses)

  3. wow! those kitties are like doppelgangers... :o)
    and OMG the cuties at that other blog are so CUTE!!! too bad the latest GS foster doggy didn't work out. and O.M.G. 50/50 is freaking me out with her "see all know all" EYES!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!
    see you later! ek.

  4. Happy new year!
    Oh, my! Too many cute kitties!

    Congrats, LeannIAm - that's a lot of knitting for someone who just learned... whew!

    I am glad to see your mini sweaters continuing on their quest to take over the world : )

  5. I see who the originals are, but they all have that "get the camera out of my face" look done to a fine art. Gads! Fifty's got the WICKED demon eyes!

  6. hey - I am pretty sure Diesel is the original! We got him 7 YEARS ago, he could be Greasie's papa!

    I think this just shows we both have excellent tastes in kitties :)
