
Monday, March 17, 2008

I have the bestest swap partner!

Look at what I got in the mail today...

Two amazing washcloths from the bestest swap partner in the world, bdiddydog! These are the ballband dishcloth and the Mason-Dixon washcloth from Mason-Dixon Knitting. The Mason-Dixon washcloth can also fold into a fortune cookie. I love the colors that she chose, too. They totally brighten up my kitchen.

I promised her I'd use them, and I am dreading it. Why? They're too pretty to be functional!

In addition to the eye candy dishcloths, she also threw in some bonus goodies. Lemony soap and a Hershey sheep egg!

I have already snarfed the chocolate kisses from the sheep and have filled her ("her" because of her eyelashes, although that's a faulty standard to use since the boy's eyelashes are twice as long as mine) with knitting notions. I lurve her! And, I am going to find some more of her for prizes for my blog contest! More details to follow...

Vespa had the privilege of modeling one of the washcloths. Again, her exuberance jumps through the screen. (Heh, even though I see Vespa's face almost everyday, I still get giggly over her ginormous ears.)

Greaseball decided that he and the sheep were best buds. It probably helped that the sheep had rattly innards. That cat is a sucker for any toy that rattles, which is why we need to keep our pill bottles stashed safely away.


  1. it cracks me up when kitties rest their head on something hard - how is that comfy???

    Kaya thinks the alarm clock is a great pillow!

    and Vespa's expression is priceless!

  2. Wow! You scored on the dishcloths! The colors are awesome, too! The dogs don't look as enthusiastic...maybe they need a 'junk food night' or something!

    I love the sheep egg....wonder if I can still find a few! Is that where you keep your stitch markers?

  3. Great dishcloths! Vespa wears orange well, and Greaseball does look awefully cozy with the rattly little sheep : )

  4. lol I think Vespa has been taking lessons from Flick on how to look NOT amused.
