
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tuesday Pictures

The boy and I were looking for birthday gifts for his mother and my father (stick with me here, there is a point). Conveniently,they share the same birthday, which means that we have no excuse whatsoever to forgot about March 19th. This year's birthday theme was wind chimes! While we found one that my father would like, we couldn't quite find the perfect one for his mother. The boy decided that he would make the perfect one for her.

He made her this wind chime out of bicycle gears and fishing line. It has a very pleasant sound that isn't jarring to the ears like other chimes. I was sad when we had to pack it up and take it over to her, but perhaps I can convince the boy that we need one for our house.

There's something so sweet about a grown man making his mother a birthday gift.

My washcloth swap partner finally received my package, so now I can reveal to the world (all 3 of you) what I sent!

These garterlac dishcloths by Criminy Jickets were so fun to make, and they worked really well with all my variegated cotton yarn, of which I have tons. I've told my friends to not let me buy variegated yarn anymore! However, since I revert to a five-year-old when faced with a wall of yarn ("Ooooh! Look at the pretty colors!), I'm not sure how long I can hold out. I gave my swap partner the blue washcloth, and also sent her this one:

It's the Round Dishcloth by Amy Carpenter. I plead the 5th on whether or not I ran out of orange yarn.

Last week, I decided that my cousin's twins really needed matching beanies, so I knit a tomato hat to go with the finished eggplant hat. Twins everywhere in the world are shaking their heads in disappointment, for I'm sure this matching thing can get old really fast. These twins were also born the day after Christmas, so not only do they have to share their birthdays, but they'll have their birthdays overshadowed. Hey, but at least they'll have each other to commiserate with.

This past weekend, we drove to Lake County to eat ham. The boy's parents have an amazing garden, so I played with my camera and they wondered why I was crawling around on their lawn. Their bulbs are all abloom. And so were my sinuses.

Some of their flowers were dying while the plants were getting ready for new growth. Again, I don't know why I'm fascinated with dying flowers.

A cool water drain.
The dogs couldn't escape from my lens, try as they might.

Oops, I thought I uploaded the picture where Mingus was smiling nicely for the camera. I guess not.

And on this goofy note, it's time to say goodbye.


  1. Wow! The dishcloths turned out GREAT! The windchimes sound AWESOME...your fixation on dead flowers is, umm....DIFFERENT! Tomatoes totally compliment eggplants. Allergies suck. And the dogs are ALWAYS crowd pleasers!

    Did I cover it all?


  2. hey some how I missed a few of your blog posts - oh yeah b/c I still don't know how to use RSS.. and I haven't been good about checking my ravelry friend's blogs tab!

    Those pics are amazing! I love the hat and the windchime is gorgeous!
