
Sunday, December 7, 2008

Mini Stocking Hat Pattern

The Tilden Park Scarf is an easy ruffled and ruched infinity scarf that adds a feminine touch to any outfit.

Why do your fingers need hats? Why, for the same reasons that your cats need hats! I wouldn't think about this for too long if I were you...

Although I saw other miniature hat patterns out there, none of the ones I could find were fingertip sized to accompany my mini sweaters. (The mini sweater pattern is by Everwhelming Liz.)

• less than 4 yards of sock yarn
• 2 US size 1 16 circular needles
(US size 1 DPNs may also be used instead of 2 circular needles)
• Row counter
• Tapestry needle

Special Skills Needed
• Knitting in the round using two circular needles
• Making a pom-pom

[ ] repeat instructions between brackets
bo bind off
co cast on
k knit
k2tog knit two stitches together
sts stitch(es)

Loosely CO 16 sts on one circular needle (needle A). Slip half of the stitches to the other circular needle (needle B). Join to knit in the round, placing a marker at that point so you know where the round begins.

K 1x1 ribbing (k1, p1) for 2 rounds.
K 3 rounds.

Decreasing Rounds
On needle A, k1, k2tog, k until end of needle. Repeat for needle B.
K next round.

Repeat Decreasing Rounds until 4 sts remain. Cut yarn, leaving a 5 inch tail.

Make a pom-pom for the tip of your hat. When I make the pom-poms, I wrap scrap yarn around two size 1 needles, pull out one needle, and use a tapestry needle to thread the yarn tail through the scrap yarn and tie a knot. Once the knot is secure, I extract the remaining needle and cut the scrap yarn loops at the top of the hat. Admittedly, this is a little fiddly, so if you have a better method for making mini pom-poms, please share!

Weave in all ends. Leave the mini hats around your house. When people ask why there are mini hats around the house, you can tell them that they are for the fairies.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.


  1. So cute! Thanks for the pattern :)

  2. SO SO cute!! I just LOVE it! They are like little mini people. You are, *so* talented. :)

  3. Tee hee hee. You are so playful with your knitting. I love it!

  4. Thank you, I've been searching everywhere for mini hats and scarves for wine bottle giving around the holidays.

  5. I use a fork for mini pompoms. It works pretty well! I thread a tapestry needle around the middle tines after wrapping the yarn around all the tines, then slide the wraps off and complete the tie.
