
Saturday, March 3, 2012


As I was rushing out the door on a Friday evening, I noticed a stream of brown fluid in my office. The stream went from under my desk to the futon, roughly 10 feet. My first reaction was panic: which animal do I have to take to emergency vet? As I started mopping it up, it didn't seem like vomit or pee (oh, the joys of having pets!), and it didn't smell bad. In fact, it smelled kind of good.

I followed the stream to its source: one ceramic beer bottle, neatly split into two pieces. Our secondary containment system was a little lacking, but it did capture some of the beer-to-be. Now, beer bottle bombs has a spot on my phobia list.

The boy made two more gallons of beer last night, bringing our total to 7 gallons, or 70 bottles. Well, 70 minus 1 bottles (of beer on the wall/floor). He's mastered the "making two beers at once" skill, and all I have to do is hold the strainer and funnel as he pours the beer into the gallon carboys. There is also little to no discernible swearing going on while the beer making process is afoot.

As I write this, I'm smugly sipping on a bottle of a coffee and coconut stout. Yes, smugly! I roasted the green coffee beans, and the boy threw it into the boil. +10 DIY points for us. However, don't worry, I won't be so smug tonight when I'm wide awake at 2 AM thanks to the coffee in this stout.


  1. Coffee coconut stout. That sounds oddly strange and even more oddly delicious.

    PS! I got my little treat in the mail! Thank you soooo much. Hand made dish clothes. . . and crochet - ho ho. Thank you. and


  2. You're welcome! I'm so glad the package arrived safe and sound. I always get so nervous when I put homemade things in the mail.

    The coffee stout turned out delicious! I think next time, we'll add more coconut.
