
Friday, March 9, 2012

Down the Pinterest Rabbit Hole

When first told about Pinterest, I didn't get it. I have Ravelry to organize my knitting and crocheting, so what else could I need? I'm clearly not a fashion hound as evidenced by my fabulous Russian red purse + orange-red cardigan + maroon shoe ensemble I wore yesterday (please don't report me to the fashion police), and I'm not much for window shopping. Pinterest just seemed like online window shopping.

But, along comes a house project... Now, I'm hooked! I can collect pictures of room layouts and furniture that work with our place, and instead of sending the boy a string of bookmarks, he can see what I'm talking about on my boards. Cool beans! He even started researching DIY soapstone countertops since that's what I've earmarked to replace our disgusting peach counter tiles. If anyone here has a soapstone counter, please leave me a comment. Is the upkeep is as easy as it is promoted? Sanding out scratches and finishing with mineral oil seems too easy.

I'm wildtomato on Pinterest. I posted a slouch hat that's hot off the needles. Once I get the pattern written up, I'll be on the hunt for more test knitters. And speaking of test knitters, another thank you to my four fabulous test knitters! The Wildcat Canyon Scarf should hopefully be out this weekend. I traded a jar of sauerkraut for some graphic design work, so timelines aren't exactly written in stone.

Have you seen the new Spring Knitty? I am currently in love with Flaming June because those mitered corners are pure genius. Plus, I've come to the conclusion that I really don't wear anything but cardigans. Bay Area weather combined with climate controlled buildings means that layers are a must since I have a teeny, tiny bandwidth of what is an acceptable temperature.

1 comment:

  1. I just heard about Pinterest for the first time last week. Of course my first thought was, ugh, another social media-ish site. But now that I look at it more, it seems like it could be tons of fun. I like that it's not dedicated to just one topic. I sent in an invite request to give it a go.

    Those countertops are really pretty. We redid ours last year but went with the expected granite. Don't get me wrong, I love them, but would have liked to do something more creative and unique. The area we live in just isn't into uniqueness, so for the sake of resale we stuck with the social norm. I was just thrilled to get rid of the stupid tile. Who ever thought that was a good idea?
