I can if I crochet and knit these tawashis! The boy has sworn that I've said the word "tawashi" over 1000 times in the past few days. I think he underestimated. (My apologies to anyone who has seen me in person in the past week, because whether you wanted to or not, you've had to listen to me yammer on about this. If this made you confused or just plain bored, do not read further.)
These pamphlets are full of specialized cleaners. Need to clean your horizontal blinds? There's a tawashi for that! Need to clean your computer keyboard? There's a tawashi for that, too! Need to dust your car or shoes? Well, you get it.
Where did I find these wonderful tawashi booklets?
Kinokuniya, of course! When I kept on mentioning tawashis and my quest to venture to Kinokuniya in order to peruse their Japanese crochet books, my friend thought we should go together so we could also visit
Bazaar Bizarre. Little did we know that the bigger event that day was the Cherry Blossom Festival, which meant that San Francisco's Japantown was full of snack booths. Yay! I snarfed down a strawberry and pineapple shaved ice. Japanese shaved ice is fluffy like snow, and you can eat it solo, or pair it with sweet red beans and ice cream. I should have taken a picture, but I was too busy eating.
I also have many non-tawashi FOs that I need to photograph and share, but tawashi fever still has me in its grips.