Coffee. Lots of coffee. That's what makes this household go 'round and 'round. Without it, we are useless puddles. And, no, we don't have a problem. But thanks for your concern.
I picked up 26 pounds of green coffee beans from my favorite pusher,
Sweet Maria's. Although I had many beans to choose from, I decided to roast La Esparanza from Nicaragua. I roasted it to Full City, so for tomorrow's brew, I should taste citrus, spice, bourbon vanilla notes. I love the tasting notes that come with these beans!
Here's a small sampling of my stash.

Luckily, it was a windy day, so it was easy to separate the chaff from the beans.

The finished product! I cannot wait to drink it tomorrow.

This is what Mingus does when he knows that we haven't had our coffee yet. This is his best Wicked Witch of the East impersonation.

Greaseball doesn't care if we have had our coffee or not. He just wants to be fed. Oh, and he wants the dogs' bed. He's always hogging their bed. (It looks like Greaseball could use some coffee, too.)

Fifty is also wary when we haven't had our coffee. She wishes we would lay off the beans, or at least lay off of taking pictures of her. Sorry, Fifty, but that's not going to happen.

Since I finished my last pair of socks, I cast one for two more. I'm a little worried that the Schaefer Anne yarn sock will be itchy, but boy are the colors gorgeous - I'll post pictures next time. The picture below is a toe-up version of the Gentleman's Fancy Sock that I'm making for the boy's dad. This Tofutsie colorway reminds me of Mingus.

The silk scarf is also coming along. The greatest thing about using a drop stitch pattern is that your work grows by leaps and bounds when those stitches come off of the needles. I still cannot decide of this scarf is going to get any fringe or not, but it will be at least a couple of weeks until this is done, so I have time to make up my mind.