
It doesn't get any better than this. Peace, quiet, and harmony. Today, I must focus on this, because...

In a fit of "I want to reclaim my office!", I had the bright idea of removing the dog crate. After all, in a 250 square feet space, a crate that can fit a malamute becomes the focal point the room. The idea was to put the crate back as soon as I rearranged and disposed of furniture. I guess Mingus is trying to tell me that he wants the crate back.
Now, to be fair, there are three dogs here today. While I don't doubt that at least one of them helped him kill the pillow, Mingus always squeals on himself by running into his crate (or the area where his crate used to be) when he does something destructive. So, I was a little concerned when he came running into my office with his ears folded down. A quick inspection of the house revealed the misdeed.
Unfortunately, this is not the first time he has destroyed a household item. Back in the days before we were suckers and Mingus was our foster dog, he obliterated our futon. We figured that he fancied himself a modern artist and that the futon was his installation piece because he was quite proud of his handiwork.

He used to tear everything up, so to those of you who think that Mr. Mingus is a mellow mutt, well, let's just say that he is turning into one and may perhaps achieve Mellow Mutt status, but we're not there yet. He has calmed down exponentially since we're had him, but he ain't a saint.
I've been spinning a lot in the evenings - this is the roving that is on the wheel right now. Pictures of the finished yarn might be a few weeks out, though. I've actually been knitting, too. The second Jaywalker is on my needles, and I might actually get that done soon.